Getting married?
If you were recently married, you have 30 days from the date of marriage to add your new spouse to your benefits coverage. You will need to send your marriage certificate to totalrewards@cityofboise.org and we will send back an enrollment form.
Don't forget to also add them as a beneficiary, emergency contact and update your taxes on your W4, should you choose to do so!
Give birth or adopt a child?
Let totalrewards@cityofboise.org know if you are pregnant or planning to adopt. We will ensure you get the Family Medical Leave documents needed to take time to care for your family. We will also provide an enrollment form to ensure your new family member is covered with your benefits.
Did you know? The city offers 10 weeks of paid parental leave and adoption assistance. Follow the links to find more information on both.
To apply for the 10 weeks of parental leave, please complete the request form. If eligible, you may take an additional 2 weeks of unpaid leave under the FMLA. Please complete the request form and HR will determine eligibility.
Getting a divorce?
Going through a divorce can be tough, we are here to make managing benefits easy. Start the process by sending your divorce decree to totalrewards@cityofboise.org and we will provide you an enrollment form to update your current benefit elections. Additional support is available for you and your family through Employee Assistance Program (EAP), 6 sessions per person/per incident.
Don't forget to update your beneficiaries, emergency contact and update your taxes on your W4, should you choose to do so!