Wellbeing - a balance between the demands of a busy life, and our energy for meeting those demands.
Wellbeing can be experienced in several aspects of life: work, friends, family, learning, community, physical health, mental health, finances and more. Seven primary experiences of wellbeing support a balanced, successful and thriving life.
- Energy: The experience of having enough mental and physical energy to do the things you want and need to do.
- Meaning: The experience of feeling purpose and belonging in life: you know that your work and actions matter.
- Connection: The experience of feeling supported, cared for, and accepted, and of having positive, trusting relationships.
- Joy: The experience of great pleasure and contentment about your life and the things you do.
- Development: The experience of growing and progressing in life, by learning from experiences, rising to meet challenges, and experiencing success and achievement.
- Resilience: The experience of optimism for the future, gratitude for your comforts and accomplishments, and strength and endurance for tougher times.
- Security: The experience of safety of from physical and psychological harm: your basic life needs are consistently met, and you have the freedom to be yourself, try new things, and be open to change.
Wellbeing Wheel
The Wellbeing Wheel is a worksheet to help you evaluate your wellbeing through the seven primary experiences.
Program Contact
Cory Budak
Wellbeing Program Specialist
Email: cbudak@cityofboise.org
Phone: (208) 972-8507
Fort Boise Community Center
As a regular full or part-time employee, you may sign up for a membership to use the fitness equipment at FBCC's gym at a discounted rate. The membership is treated as a benefit and the cost is included in your taxable income on your paychecks. The portion you end up paying for your membership is the tax due on this additional income and is taxed according to the tax bracket you fall into.
For more information or to sign up contact Parks and Recreation.
Boise Healthy Life Acknowledgement and Release of Liability Waiver
As a condition of my participation in the City’s wellness programs and activities, I acknowledge and understand that the wellness programs and activities offered by the City of Boise are voluntary and are not required by my employment. I also acknowledge and understand that I am not within the scope and course of my employment while participating in the wellness programs or activities, whether they are on a group or individual basis and whether they are during work hours or outside of work hours. I knowingly and freely assume all risks and assume full responsibility for all wellness programs and activities I participate in, and I hereby waive, release and hold the City harmless from any and all claims I may have for any and all injury, damage or loss arising from my participation in any wellness programs and activities. I understand I am encouraged to consult with my medical providers prior to beginning any physical activity or dietary changes.